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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
FY 2015 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2015 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/13/2015
FY 2016 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2016 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/17/2016
FY 2017 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2017 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/15/2017
FY 2018 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2018 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/16/2018
FY 2019 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2019 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/15/2019
FY 2020 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2020 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/16/2020 The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) consists of two programs: The Civil Works program and the Military program. This Agency Financial Report represents only the Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works program (USACE-CW). The Military program is reported within the Army General Fund Financial Statements
FY 2021 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2021 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/15/2021
FY 2022 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2022 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/15/2022
FY 2023 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2023 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/15/2023
PL PLAN 84-1 (C) CECW-OE USACE Continuity of Operations Plan (CECOOP) (U) 2/21/1984 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
PL PLAN 84-2 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization Plan (CEMP) 8/1/1984 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 1 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization and Operations Planning System (CEMOPS) 5/1/1983 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 2 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization Plan (CEMP) 10/17/1983 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 6 CECW-PP Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria 1/1/1986 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 12 CECW-OE-E Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program Handbook 6/1/1991 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 13 CEMP-ET Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook 7/24/2001 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook, Dated October 15, 2991 is rescinded
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